The Practice of Lovingkindness Online Retreat
Saturday, December 2
Morning Session: 10am - 11:30am EST
Afternoon Session: 1pm - 2:30pm EST
Evening Session: 4pm - 5:30pm EST
As a mother would risk her life
to protect her child, her only child,
even so should one cultivate a limitless heart
with regard to all beings.
(Sn 1.8)
-lovingkindness is the baseline quality of the heart....
-when the heart is open, it shines with lovingkindness
-lovingkindness is expressed in our wish to be happy....
-and the wish we have for others, that they be happy....
-in using the word happiness, we're referring to the Buddha's happiness....
-the happiness inside....
-the happiness of the heart....
-the happiness of the heart that is free from its burdens.....
-not the happiness of the world, the happiness that comes from pleasure, gain, status, praise....
-lovingkindness is one of the primary intentions that informs skillful action.....
-acting skillfully, we act out of lovingkindness....
-for ourselves...
-for others....
-we act in support of our wish to be happy....
-our wish for others....
-lovingkindness (metta) meditation…..
-in lovingkindness meditation, we seek to connect to the heart quality of metta….
-we seek to connect, specifically, to our wish to be happy….
-and our wish for others – all beings – that they be happy….
-there are two steps to the practice:
2-felt sense…..
-fabrication, essentially, is thinking.....
-we use fabrication to reflect on our wish to be happy (and our wish for others)…..
-we use thinking … or visual images…..
-the technical term is “internal verbal fabrication”…..
-we remind ourselves of our wish to be happy (and our wish for others)….
-modes of fabrication…..
-organic or general fabrication…..
-using words/phrases/sentences that help to remind you of your wish to be happy…..
-reflecting on our wish to be happy we may want to use a visualization…..
-classically, we visualize a time when we experienced true happiness...
-typically, we choose a time when we were a child....
-in reflecting, we remember that we've experienced true happiness ... and, in turn, we remember our wish to know this true happiness now....
-we can also use “metta” phrases to help us connect to the wish to be happy…..
-some examples of phrases:
-“may I be happy of heart…”
-“may I be safe and protected….”
-“may I be healthy and strong….”
-“may I live with ease….”
-“may I take care of myself happily….”
-felt sense….
-the use of fabrication leads to the arising of a felt sense in the heart center….
-a felt sense of our wish to be happy (and our wish for others)…..
-if/when the felt sense arises, we focus on the felt quality…..
-factors that support skillful fabrication and the arising of felt sense…..
-as the Buddha explains, we should use fabrication … but we should be careful about using too much fabrication….
-we keep it simple….
-we try to find the “right” amount of fabrication….
-if we don’t use enough, we won’t be able to connect….
-if we use too much, we become lost in thought….
-when using fabrication, we try to have an understanding of what the words mean….
-importantly, in reminding ourselves of our wish to be happy, we want to have an understanding of what is meant by “happiness”….
-true happiness….
-happiness of heart….
-when using fabrication, we find a sincere inner voice….
-we pay attention to the tone of the inner voice…..
-categories of beings…..
-in metta meditation, we reflect on our good wishes, for happiness, for six categories of beings:
-dear friends….
-neutral beings….
-difficult beings….
-all beings…..
-"Metta Meditation" (from The Skill of Living)
Saturday, December 2
Morning Session: 10am - 11:30am EST
Afternoon Session: 1pm - 2:30pm EST
Evening Session: 4pm - 5:30pm EST
As a mother would risk her life
to protect her child, her only child,
even so should one cultivate a limitless heart
with regard to all beings.
(Sn 1.8)
-lovingkindness is the baseline quality of the heart....
-when the heart is open, it shines with lovingkindness
-lovingkindness is expressed in our wish to be happy....
-and the wish we have for others, that they be happy....
-in using the word happiness, we're referring to the Buddha's happiness....
-the happiness inside....
-the happiness of the heart....
-the happiness of the heart that is free from its burdens.....
-not the happiness of the world, the happiness that comes from pleasure, gain, status, praise....
-lovingkindness is one of the primary intentions that informs skillful action.....
-acting skillfully, we act out of lovingkindness....
-for ourselves...
-for others....
-we act in support of our wish to be happy....
-our wish for others....
-lovingkindness (metta) meditation…..
-in lovingkindness meditation, we seek to connect to the heart quality of metta….
-we seek to connect, specifically, to our wish to be happy….
-and our wish for others – all beings – that they be happy….
-there are two steps to the practice:
2-felt sense…..
-fabrication, essentially, is thinking.....
-we use fabrication to reflect on our wish to be happy (and our wish for others)…..
-we use thinking … or visual images…..
-the technical term is “internal verbal fabrication”…..
-we remind ourselves of our wish to be happy (and our wish for others)….
-modes of fabrication…..
-organic or general fabrication…..
-using words/phrases/sentences that help to remind you of your wish to be happy…..
-reflecting on our wish to be happy we may want to use a visualization…..
-classically, we visualize a time when we experienced true happiness...
-typically, we choose a time when we were a child....
-in reflecting, we remember that we've experienced true happiness ... and, in turn, we remember our wish to know this true happiness now....
-we can also use “metta” phrases to help us connect to the wish to be happy…..
-some examples of phrases:
-“may I be happy of heart…”
-“may I be safe and protected….”
-“may I be healthy and strong….”
-“may I live with ease….”
-“may I take care of myself happily….”
-felt sense….
-the use of fabrication leads to the arising of a felt sense in the heart center….
-a felt sense of our wish to be happy (and our wish for others)…..
-if/when the felt sense arises, we focus on the felt quality…..
-factors that support skillful fabrication and the arising of felt sense…..
-as the Buddha explains, we should use fabrication … but we should be careful about using too much fabrication….
-we keep it simple….
-we try to find the “right” amount of fabrication….
-if we don’t use enough, we won’t be able to connect….
-if we use too much, we become lost in thought….
-when using fabrication, we try to have an understanding of what the words mean….
-importantly, in reminding ourselves of our wish to be happy, we want to have an understanding of what is meant by “happiness”….
-true happiness….
-happiness of heart….
-when using fabrication, we find a sincere inner voice….
-we pay attention to the tone of the inner voice…..
-categories of beings…..
-in metta meditation, we reflect on our good wishes, for happiness, for six categories of beings:
-dear friends….
-neutral beings….
-difficult beings….
-all beings…..
-"Metta Meditation" (from The Skill of Living)

metta_meditation_skill_of_living_pdf.pdf |
-"Skillful Action" (from The Skill of Living)

skill_of_living_skillful_action_pdf.pdf |
-"The Power of Goodwill" (Ajaan Lee)
Metta Sutta
This is to be done by one skilled in aims
who wants to break through to the state of peace:
Be capable, upright, & straightforward,
easy to instruct, gentle, & not conceited,
content & easy to support,
with few duties, living lightly,
with peaceful faculties, masterful,
modest, & no greed for supporters.
Do not do the slightest thing
that the wise would later censure.
Think: Happy, at rest,
may all beings be happy at heart.
Whatever beings there may be,
weak or strong, without exception,
long, large,
middling, short,
subtle, blatant,
seen & unseen,
near & far,
born & seeking birth:
May all beings be happy at heart.
Let no one deceive another
or despise anyone anywhere,
or through anger or irritation
wish for another to suffer.
As a mother would risk her life
to protect her child, her only child,
even so should one cultivate a limitless heart
with regard to all beings.
With good will for the entire cosmos,
cultivate a limitless heart:
Above, below, & all around,
unobstructed, without enmity or hate.
Whether standing, walking,
sitting, or lying down,
as long as one is alert,
one should be resolved on this mindfulness.
This is called a sublime abiding
here & now.
Not taken with views,
but virtuous & consummate in vision,
having subdued desire for sensual pleasures,
one never again
will lie in the womb.
(Sn 1.8)
"Now, Kalamas, one who is a disciple of the noble ones — thus devoid of greed, devoid of ill will, undeluded, alert, & resolute — keeps pervading the first direction [the east] — as well as the second direction, the third, & the fourth — with an awareness imbued with good will. Thus he keeps pervading above, below, & all around, everywhere & in every respect the all-encompassing cosmos with an awareness imbued with good will: abundant, expansive, immeasurable, free from hostility, free from ill will."
(AN 3.65)
This was said by the Blessed One, said by the Arahant, so I have heard: "All the grounds for making merit leading to spontaneously arising (in heaven) do not equal one-sixteenth of the awareness-release through good will. Good will — surpassing them — shines, blazes, & dazzles.
"Just as the radiance of all the stars does not equal one-sixteenth of the radiance of the moon, as the moon — surpassing them — shines, blazes, & dazzles, even so, all the grounds for making merit leading to spontaneously arising in heaven do not equal one-sixteenth of the awareness-release through good will. Good will — surpassing them — shines, blazes, & dazzles.
"Just as in the last month of the rains, in autumn, when the sky is clear & cloudless, the sun, on ascending the sky, overpowers the space immersed in darkness, shines, blazes, & dazzles, even so, all the grounds for making merit leading to spontaneously arising in heaven do not equal one-sixteenth of the awareness-release through good will. Good will — surpassing them — shines, blazes, & dazzles.
"Just as in the pre-dawn darkness the morning star shines, blazes, & dazzles, even so, all the grounds for making merit leading to spontaneously arising in heaven do not equal one-sixteenth of the awareness-release through good will. Good will — surpassing them — shines, blazes, & dazzles."
(Iti 1.27)
"There is the case where a monk might say, 'Although good will has been developed, pursued, handed the reins and taken as a basis, given a grounding, steadied, consolidated, and well-undertaken by me as my awareness-release, still ill will keeps overpowering my mind.' He should be told, 'Don't say that. You shouldn't speak in that way. Don't misrepresent the Blessed One, for it's not right to misrepresent the Blessed One, and the Blessed One wouldn't say that. It's impossible, there is no way that — when good will has been developed, pursued, handed the reins and taken as a basis, given a grounding, steadied, consolidated, and well-undertaken as an awareness-release — ill will would still keep overpowering the mind. That possibility doesn't exist, for this is the escape from ill will: good will as an awareness-release.'
(AN 6.13)
"Monks, for one whose awareness-release through good will is cultivated, developed, pursued, handed the reins and taken as a basis, given a grounding, steadied, consolidated, and well-undertaken, eleven benefits can be expected. Which eleven?
"One sleeps easily, wakes easily, dreams no evil dreams. One is dear to human beings, dear to non-human beings. The devas protect one. Neither fire, poison, nor weapons can touch one. One's mind gains concentration quickly. One's complexion is bright. One dies unconfused and — if penetrating no higher — is headed for the Brahma worlds.
"These are the eleven benefits that can be expected for one whose awareness-release through good will is cultivated, developed, pursued, handed the reins and taken as a basis, given a grounding, steadied, consolidated, and well-undertaken."
(AN 11.16)
"Bhikkhus, if a bhikkhu cultivates loving-kindness for as long as a fingersnap, he is called a bhikkhu."
(AN 1.53)
-"Developing a Sublime Attitude"
-"Remembering Our Wish to Be Happy"
-"What Happiness Is"
-"Finding the Heart"
-"Coming to the Heart"
Teacher Support
Donations to support the teacher, Peter Doobinin, can be made via PayPal by using the address: [email protected]
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Donations can also be made through your Zelle account using the email address: [email protected]
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Thanks so much for your generosity!
Teacher Support
Donations to support the teacher, Peter Doobinin, can be made via PayPal by using the address: [email protected]
(If using PayPal, this is the preferred method; please use the "personal/family & friends" function.)
Donations can also be made through your Zelle account using the email address: [email protected]
Information about making a donation using a credit card or by check are found on the Support page.
Thanks so much for your generosity!